"The mind is its own place, and of itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven."
I am so annoyed at people who have never experienced mental illness for themselves or have never had any suicidal ideation, thinking they are qualified enough to make a judgment about one’s choices being mentally ill. I'm also annoyed at people who judge those that are self injurers. Anyone who is lucky enough to have never experienced the things that I go through on a daily basis in my mind should not pretend to have it "figured out." I don’t understand how anyone who was my best friend could be so closed-minded when it comes to these things. It is so infuriating!
"no one who had never been depressed like me could imagine that the pain could get so bad that death became a star to hitch up to, a fantasy of peace someday which seemed better than any life with all this noise in my head."